Abmessung: Bildgrösse ca. 70 x 50 cm; Rahmengrösse ca. 91 x 70 cm. Links unten signiert.
Livio Biasi was born in 1927, grew up during the 1930s and was inspired by the artistic atmosphere of the time. During the 1930s, many political ideologies such as Marxist Socialism, Capitalist Democracy, and the Totalitarianism of both Communism and Fascism were engaged in struggles for power, and epitomised the political atmosphere of the era. n Europe, Surrealism continued to be prevail, and had grown to have influence across the globe. Leading artists took the ideas posed by Surrealism and incorporated them into their radical political philosophies, creating a new kind of magic realism. This was exemplified in the work of artists such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Riviera in Mexico.
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